Lichtenberg Figures


Lichtenberg figures are fractals made by the currents of electricity through materials, typically wood. The figures are formed of burnt wood where the passing electricity heats the fibers until they combust. The figures are unique because the electrical path is determined by the innate polarity of the wood and the affect of any additives used to increase the woods conductivity. 

In order to produce this effect a high voltage must be applied across the wood which will cause a current despite the wood's large resistance. The resulting current will burn the wood in pattern of least resistance. This pattern can be influenced by soaking certain sections of the wood in high conductivity solutions, directing the current. 

This leads to the chemical engineering portion of the experiment. The properties of the solution will affect the properties of the resulting figure which is always a concern in chemical engineering. Feedstock properties have an immense effect on the processing requirements and final product properties. A change in feedstock properties can result in viscosity changes and reaction rate fluctuations even if it is only a supplier change not a material change. Therefore, significant testing is required before altering material properties. In Lichtenberg figure production, the solute used to create the  solution can influence how tightly the burns follow the desired path. Too much solution can diffuse into the wood and widen electrical path. Choose your electrolyte carefully and experiment!

Warning: This project uses DANGEROUS VOLTAGES. Do not attempt without experienced assistance and preparations.


  • Microwave transformer
  • Low gauge wire
  • Dry wood
  • Conductivity solution (try starting with baking soda)
  • Spray bottle/brush
  • Safety equipment: wireman's gloves, transformer enclosure


  1. Set up microwave transformer with a 120 volt power supply wired to the inlet of the transformer, with the power turned OFF
  2. Connect the low gauge wire to the positive and negative terminals of the transformer and place them on each end of the board
  3. Make the conductive solution and apply it in the desired pattern reserving solution for once the burning begins
  4. Turn the power supply to ON and watch the current start to run
  5. Use conductive solution to guide current as desired
  6. Watch for main conduit from each side to burn close to each other and turn power supply to OFF before the conduits meet to preserve fine detail
Made by students at the University of Pittsburgh
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