Exploding Lunch Bag
How does it work?
While the exploding bag trick might appear to be complicated, it is actually quite easy! To begin the experiment, please get some vinegar, water, and baking soda. Make sure that you have plenty of space to work with, and ensure that you are located somewhere that could get dirty.
To understand this reaction, all you need to know is the balanced chemical equation given below!
The first molecule is sodium bicarbonate, or more commonly known as baking soda. The second molecule, acetic acid, makes up a small percentage of vinegar, but enough to get this reaction going. When these two molecules react, they produce sodium acetate, water, and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is released as a gas, which causes the pressure inside of the bag to increase. The same way that when you puff air into a balloon it gets bigger, the carbon dioxide in the bag makes it get bigger and bigger until it explodes!
1. This experiment will cause a bag filled with vinegar and baking soda to explode, so please wear protective eye gear.
2. Do not consume. Sodium acetate is not meant for consumption.